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Breastfeeding Chronicles - Prologue

This is just a quick help for all of you breastfeeding (or planning to breastfeed) mothers.  The Feeding Expert (from Similac) is a FREE 24/7 line to help with feeding.  The have lactation consultants that will help you at any time of the day with your feeding questions.  It is AMAZING!  Lactation consultants charge outrageous amounts for their advice and this is all free.  I cannot count how many times I have called them in the middle of the night :) Hope they help you as much as they help me!  800-986-8800


my top six

  1. Swaddle Designs blankets for chilly nights
  2. Aden + Anais blankets for warm nights
    • Above are the only two swaddle blankets that are worth buying because they are big enough to make the baby into a tight silk worm for optimal sleeping security.  These are my best friends.
  3. Pacifier – You may have to test out a few different brands to see which one your baby will take.
  4. Baby Magic lotion – Does not leave the greasy feel that Johnson’s Baby Lotion does.  I use it on myself and my baby morning and night.  Get the lotion bottle with a pump…you won’t have two hands available most of the time.
  5. BabyWise book – If are the type of person that likes a set schedule, this book is great.
  6. Happiest Baby on the Block – Available as a book and/or DVD.  I suggest the DVD because it teaches you how to swaddle and you can watch it with your husband.  We watched this OVER and OVER!



Do you feel overwhelmed with all of the advice and information you are getting online?  It makes me wonder what pregnant women did before the internet!  There are a million things to do and not to do, and frankly it's tough to keep it all straight.  This doesn't stop once you have your child either.  So what do you do with all of this advice?  Listen to your doctor!  He/she is the one who studied for a zillion years in med school and therefore will be able to give you the best advice.  Sometimes your doctor will advise you to follow a piece of counsel strictly and other times he/she will tell you to do what feels right to you.  So when your sister, mom, or pregnant friend is appalled that you are eating deli meat, don't sweat it as long as you're following your doctor's advice!

How to Tell

When to share your news is definitely a personal decision.  Some women like to wait until they are out of the risky 1st trimester before announcing their pregnancy, while some don't hesitate to send out a text the second "pregnant" shows up on the test.

The first time I got pregnant, my hubby and I decided to wait until after our 10 week doctor appointment to tell friends and family.  Unfortunately, shortly before the appointment, I lost the baby.  That tragedy led me to think that I would wait all the way until I gave birth before telling anyone, but after over a year of trying to conceive again, my thoughts changed.  When I finally saw that positive test again, I couldn't wait more than 3 weeks before telling everyone!

Whenever you decide to tell, it's a good idea to have fun with it... a picture frame with the ultrasound and a "coming soon"  note, a corny tee-shirt, or a full-out party with balloons and banners.  How will you tell?  Share your ideas!



As my first bit of advice, I echo my dear friend Whit, "Keep a journal."

If you're trying to conceive, keep a journal.  You will want to look back on it to remind you why you wanted a child in the first place!

If you are pregnant, keep a journal.  You will wonder why you complained about the little sleep you got those last few months!

If you are a mommy, keep a journal.  Each day flies by, as I’m sure you’ve heard a million times, and you will want to cherish each one!

I kept my journal as a blog.  It was easy to log on every couple of days and jot down my thoughts.  Whether you write or type it, do it!  You will be glad.  For fun, I’ve included below a few quotes from my first pregnancy journal entry:

“I went to the bathroom and peed on a stick. It was no more than 30 seconds later that "Pregnant" showed up on the digital screen!”

“I don't even know how to explain this feeling...the feeling that there is a little alien growing inside me. It's amazing and totally weird at the same time.”


I’ve never been great at keeping a journal, but when I found out I was pregnant, one of my dear friends gave me some great advice.  She said, “Keep a journal throughout your pregnancy.  You will forget if you don’t.”  I followed Whit’s advice and I’m glad I did.  “Pregnancy brain” is a totally real symptom of growing a child.  And, frankly, it seems as though it may be a permanent one. 

Anyway, the point of my babbling is to say that I may have some advice that could be helpful to those soon-to-be mommies.  First of all, I have to say congrats to those of you who are newly pregnant, good luck to those of you who are trying to conceive, and heaven help you to those of you who are new mommies!